Technology Web Designing

7 Factors To Consider While Choosing A Web Designing Course

7 factors to consider while choosing a web designing course.

I want to learn web designing is what most people say nowadays. But, many of them are unaware of the aspects of web designing. People think a web designing course must include HTML, CSS, and JS. But, there is more about web designing to know.

Here we are going to discuss 7 factors. These factors are a must to include in your learning. But first, let us understand web designing.

What is Web Designing?

Web design is a Web development process for creating a website. It focuses on factors like layout, UI, and other visual imagery. The goal is to make the website appealing and easy to use. So, web designer makes use of various tools. But, to create a winning web design, Web designers need to think about their audience.

Most websites use Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). HTML is the skeleton of a web page. But, then comes Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS enhances the visual appearance of the website. Finally, comes JavaScript (JS). JS is the scripting language that makes website users interactive.

Now you may be thinking this is web designing. But, there is more in web designing along with HTML, CSS, and JS. So, let us see what else a web design comprises.

7 factors to consider while choosing a web designing course

Designing a great website is not an easy task by any means. The perfect website is not only a visual masterpiece. But also functional, efficient, and easy to use.

Below are the factors to keep in mind while choosing a web designing course.

1. Color

Color is one of the most powerful tools in a website design. It attracts attention, expresses meaning, and creates desire. Also, it drives conversions and even earns customer loyalty. Good color choices take careful planning. But the right color can influence how a visitor interprets. Also, it must define the theme color of the business of the website owner.

Choosing the right colors for your website’s design is crucial. Colors can be your most powerful tool to gain a reaction from your targeted audience. You can use colors to stir your visitors’ emotions or respond to a call to action on your website. Also, this can help increase brand recognition and encourage visitors to take action.

2. Usability and Easy Navigation

Websites that are easy to use attracts more customers. Also, such websites encourage business. Thus, you must increase the usability of your website. You can do so by displaying the content concisely on the website. Also, make sure the customer can use the website easily.

A website should not be confusing or hard to navigate. Customers never return if the website is not easy to navigate. Conduct an in-depth site review as if you are a new visitor. Note the navigation streams that make sense and those that do not. Keep improvising the navigation flow of the website. This increases the efficiency of your site’s navigation.

3. Call to Action

Placing calls to action on your website encourages customers to contact your business. Place a friendly suggestion, such as “Contact us today!”. A Call to action demonstrates that the company wants to develop a relationship. Also, Calls to action must be appropriate for a visitor’s level of engagement. If they’re discovering your brand, invite them to subscribe to your email newsletter. Call to action is the best medium to engage with a visitor. So always include a call to action on each page. Also, the Call to action must be easy to access.

4. Short Loading Time

When looking for information online, nothing aggravates visitors more than slow loading times. Customers can turn away due to this issue. Testing your website ahead of time will help you pinpoint any loading time issues. Also, you can fix these before your site’s official release. Periodically test your website’s loading time once it has launched. It helps to increase customer retention and provide a positive user experience. Short load times give customers the information they want when they want it. Your site must provide the data fast. If your site can’t deliver, a competitor’s site will.

5. Cross-Browser Compatibility

As technology progresses, the number of internet browsers is growing. From Internet Explorer and Chrome to Firefox and Safari, it can be frustrating to keep up with them all. It’s vital to ensure that your website is compatible with many browsers. Your site should load on all major browsers – including older versions. Also, all the functionality must work on each browser. Not only the CSS but also the JS should be cross-browser compatible. Failing to take this step may exclude a large section of your customer base. Also, it can be a costly consequence for a growing business.

6. Responsive Website Design

Statistics state that the use of mobile devices has increased in the past two years. Approximately 95% of mobile users search for products and services. Businesses need to reach this growing population of mobile users. But for this, they need to be sure that their websites are available from any device. 

Large companies already have a web presence. Such companies should develop a separate mobile-friendly website. A Separate mobile-friendly website performs well on any device. But, a business planning the launch of a website must choose a responsive web design. Responsive web design is capable of adapting to any device. Your website’s look and feel change according to the device. So the end-user can feel comfortable using the website on whichever device he is on.

7. Stock Images

Everything found on your website is intellectual property and falls under copyright laws. If you post a copyrighted image without permission, it may result in fines. So make sure to receive written permission for use and pay relevant fees for images.

Some sites offer access to copyright-free images (Unsplash). But, be sure to review the terms of use before posting them. Many times such images can cost you huge sums as a penalty and bring more loss than profit.

Read Also The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Web Designing Course


We have discussed 7 important aspects that every web designing course must include. But, there are many other aspects to include in a website design course. Increasing traffic and generating leads is the primary goal of web designing. For achieving these goals, your site’s design, navigation, and content are important.

Keeping all such factors in mind, we have brought a web designing course for you. The best way to learn web design is to learn it from the best institute. IIHT Surat is the best place to learn responsive web design step by step. This course includes web design basics for beginners. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and learn web design from scratch. Take the web designing course at the best IT training and placement institute, IIHT Surat.